We Can't Reach You, Hartford |
An investigative history of the Hartford Circus Fire of July 6th, 1944. Nominated for a Fringe First at the 2006 Edinburgh Fringe Festival. |
Daguerreotype |
In the twilight of his life, famed photographer Matthew Brady must choose between the life he has built and the legacy he wants to leave behind. |
Tone Clusters |
Renowned prose author Joyce Carol Oates explores honesty, perspective, and denial through one couple's harrowing attempt to save the person they love |
Thursday, July 19, 2007 |
The Mathew Brady Project |
It seems that Brady's ghost is the muse for some ambitious World War II scholars. Read more about the electronic archive being created a la Brady-esque preservation philosophy...
"Matthew Brady was a photographer and historian of the American Civil War. His work was vital in preserving the faces and memories of the men who fought the Civil War. But imagine if there were not one, but thousands, maybe tens of thousands of Matthew Bradys who will undertake the mission of preserving the faces, stories and memories of the men and women who fought and won World War II, history's greatest conflict.
This web site will serve as a free clearinghouse for digitized information about the war. Veterans or their families can send in paper documents which the project staff will scan and store on CDs. The paper documentation will then be sent back to the families. This will provide secure long-term storage of fragile documents which can be damaged by the weather or even thrown away by un-interested parties after the veteran dies."
http://www.ww2museum.com/mbp.htm |
posted by hayley @ 2:38 PM  |
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