We Can't Reach You, Hartford |
An investigative history of the Hartford Circus Fire of July 6th, 1944. Nominated for a Fringe First at the 2006 Edinburgh Fringe Festival. |
Daguerreotype |
In the twilight of his life, famed photographer Matthew Brady must choose between the life he has built and the legacy he wants to leave behind. |
Tone Clusters |
Renowned prose author Joyce Carol Oates explores honesty, perspective, and denial through one couple's harrowing attempt to save the person they love |
Sunday, July 08, 2007 |
ch-ch-ch-changes! |
First, an announcement: we finally have a MySpace! Somehow, even though every member of this company is part of the so-called "MySpace generation," not a one of us actually knew how to put together one of these pages. But we persevered and asked several friends for advice, and here it is! For anyone not willing to click on those links, the address is www.myspace.com/americanstoryproject. Be our friends!
And now, to introduce myself, since I have never posted on this blog before and figured it was high time to give Steve a break.
My name is Katey, and I'm an associate producer with the American Story Project. When you come to see "Daguerretoype" in August, I'll be the person meeting you at the front, and possibly running around insanely getting everything and everyone in one place. I joined the Story Project last year as we were beginning the production on "We Can't Reach You, Hartford," and I took over whatever production duties our Managing Director Elissa couldn't do when she was, y'know, acting onstage in the production. The two weeks I spent with the rest of the company in Edinburgh were unbelievable, and I actually made my decision to move to New York after graduation partially because I would be able to work on this production. So, here I am! When not working with the Story Project I'm a movie critic/editorial assistant for Film Journal International, which will be fascinating reading for you if you are a movie theater owner, which I know many of you are.
More members of the company will be introducing themselves to you in this fashion over the next few days-- I promise I'm not just hijacking the blog for the sake of self-promotion. So come back to see which of the sexy, brilliant company members will be introducing themselves next! |
posted by Katey @ 11:57 AM  |
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